Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ode to Friendship

"One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24)

Okay, I do not have the gift for writing poetry, so this post is not truly an ode. But it is a post about something that I consider truly amazing and praiseworthy: friendship.

What does friendship look like? I mean the true kind. It is beautiful, priceless, and rare. Often, there exists no blood or legal ties between friends, but rather another kind of deep bond that is difficult to explain and wonderful to experience.  

Friends may share interests, passions, or experiences in common. On the other hand, you may find no rhyme or reason why two people share a friendship. Perhaps they view life or the world in similar ways. No matter the origin, the friendship shown to me has been full of love, selflessness, and sacrifice. 

I think of friends who spend the night in the ICU waiting room with you because your dad may not survive. Or friends who wait with you for long hours at the hospital during emergency surgeries. Friends who work hard side by side with you to make it possible for your dad to come home, and in a wheelchair. Friends who feed you, give you a bed, and provide for your immediate need, with little notice. 

I think of friends who send an encouraging word. And a plethora of encouraging words! Friends who pray for you, again and again. Friends who pray with you. Friends who listen patiently to you talk when you're searching for words, thoughts, and feelings. 

Friends who drive a long way just to meet you at Cracker Barrel to talk for three hours. Friends who give you a hug. Friends who cry with you and rejoice with you. 

Friends who walk through suffering with you.

Friends who walk with you as you find your way. Friends who see you at your lowest and love you even more.

God uses such friendship to restore us with joy. This friendship is much more valuable than gold or riches. A person is fortunate to have one such friend in life, and God has blessed me with many! You can never deserve this kind of friendship. 

I am truly rich. May I be rich towards God, and rich towards others!


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